il segno della croce, Galleria Mies, Festival Filosofia 2013     DISANGUEROSA 2013 Resina acrilica e cotone 20 x23 cm                      

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  27 novembre 2013 / 26 gennaio 2014 Spazio Oberdan Viale Vittorio Veneto 2, Milano inaugurazione: martedi 26 novembre2013 catalogo: Edizioni Esseblu     comunicato stampa, Milano 16 ottobre 2013     Il 26 novembre si inaugura allo Spazio Oberdan della Provincia di Milano una grande collettiva che conduce a esplorare il “cammino” del pane: […]

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Midwest Studios Residency, 2013

    Join the Galesburg Civic Art Center in a reception showcasing the work created by Studios Midwest Residency artist Marina Gasparini. Marina will be exhibiting the portrait of Galesburg she created during her four weeks in Galesburg. The final project includes pieces created with the community in workshops held during her residency. The reception […]

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Taiteen Maat 2013

  Marina Gasparini     Mia Hamari     Helena Junttila    Helena Kaikkonen    Liisa Karintaus     Kaija Kiuru     Marta Nerhus.   Six artists from the farthest  North of Finland on the borders with Lapponia and  Italian  Marina Gasparini, already guest of  a gallery of contemporary  art at Oulu, are the protagonists of the exhibition  in Vanna […]

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